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Multicore cpu monitoringas

use librenms;

Gaunam sql is puslapio: ir sudedam sql Naujesniuose librenms deploymentuose nebelieka sql stulpelio device_id, todel reikia i tai atkreipti demesi.

INSERT INTO librenms.alert_rules (rule, severity, extra, disabled, name, query) VALUES ('Do not edit this rule!', 'critical', '{"mute":false,"count":"1","delay":1800,"invert":false,"interval":300}', 0, 'Aggregate CPU utilization over 98%', 'SELECT * FROM librenms.devices WHERE devices.status = 1 AND devices.device_id = (SELECT device_id FROM librenms.processors WHERE (SELECT ROUND(AVG(processor_usage)) FROM librenms.processors WHERE (processors.device_id = ?) LIMIT 1) > 98 LIMIT 1)');