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13:26, 15 kovo 2006 versija, sukurta \dev\null (Aptarimas | indėlis)
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IRC Kalba (žargonai/trumpiniai)[keisti]

brb =  be right back
bbiaf =  be back in a flash
bbl =  be back later
bbs = be back soon
afk = away from keyboard
ttfn = ta ta for now (bye
ttyl = talk to you later
np  =  no problem
imho  =  in my humble opinion
imo = in my opinion
lol =  laughing out loud
rofl rolling on floor laughing
lmao = laughing my ass(arse) off
j/k   =  just kidding
re  =  hi again, as in "re hi"
wth/wtf What the hell?/ what the fuck?
wb  =  welcome back
rtfm  =  read the fine manual
asl = age, sex, location
afaik = as far as I know
asap = as soon as possible
ruok = Are you okay?
cul8r = See you later
dat/dis/da = that this the
b4 = before
aka = also known as
btw = by the way
FYI = For your information
iow = in other words
irl = in real life
thx/ty = thanks/thank you)